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TL-4016R Quiet Fall Monitor with Wireless Signal to Pager

(Pager TL-4016P Sold seperately)

Reduce alarm noise in room!

The monitor can be set to silent to reduce in-room alarm noise.  When a resident attempts to get up, a silent wireless signal is sent to a caregiver pager or central nurse’s station.

Flexible & Versatile

The wireless fall alarm is designed to work with ONE of the following:  Corded Bed & Chair Sensor Pads, Floor Mats, Quick-Release Seat Belts, Pagers, Emergency Call Lights, Nurse Call Cords and Central Monitoring Units.  This monitor allows caregivers the flexibility to monitor residents based on their unique needs.

Increase caregiver freedom!  

Caregiver can attend to other duties and receive an alert with use of a pager when someone is getting up from a bed , a chair, or approaching an exit.

Picture of wireless fall monitor and pager together
A wirelss signell is sent to the pager when a resident attempts to exit the bed or chair


– Monitor sends quiet wireless signal to pager for noise-free caregiver notification.

– Call Button on front of monitor.

– Works with existing nurse call system.

– Optional 6V DC Power Adapter (AC-05).

Pager Sold Seperately

Additional Components ( Monitor works with one component only)

Corded Chair Pads (PPC-WI)

Pad is placed under the resident on the seat of the chair. When resident gets up and pressure is released from the pad the monitor will alarm.  Works with all Smart Caregiver Fall Prevention Exit Alarm Monitors (Monitor Required)

Corded Bed Pads (PPB-WI), (PPB-RI)

Bed Alarm Sensor Pads are placed under the resident on the bed. When resident gets up and pressure is released from the pad the bed alarm monitor will sound. (Monitor Required)Works with all Smart Caregiver Fall Prevention Exit Alarm Monitors

Corded Floor Mats (FM-05, FM-06, FM-07)

Floor Mat can be place by the bedside or in a doorway. When the resident gets out of bed or tries to leave the room and pressure is applied to the mat it will send signal to a monitor to alert the caregiver.

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